Tuesday, September 13, 2011


In the between times of rendering, and oft during those times as well, coming up with new possibilities have a habit of 'dropping' in on me, as much [sorry to say for some] as apples off a tree........ a couple came to mind this morning as was on my daily walk - "Heirloom" and "Reflections"... in Heirloom, it is a still life, sort of in the fashion of Second Life, where objects are on a shelf in front of an open window, with parted curtain seen behind on the right... in this case, it is a polished large bowl and ladle... the curved base of the ladle reflects a group of oldtimers [original idea was like those in old folks homes sitting in rockers on a porch, but now thinking of an old photo of pioneer folk], a reflection of an offstage photo, as the ladle is turned such to make this possible... the bowl itself reflects a child in a highchair, in this case offstage to the left or perhaps behind the viewer... in the distance is a spired building rising above clouds, implying of course the view is also from such a building... this is the beginning, the initial impression as formed while walking - in time, when can get to working on it, will be interesting seeing how the final version stacks with this, how much changing will be needed...

The other theme/title, Reflections, stems from the same initial impression, but takes a different course... here, the shelf is a short one, and on a wall to the right, ending about a third across, and only a large spoon is seen, again polished to show a reflection, this time of a lad sitting, knees pressed to chest, in thought... to the left is seen access to another room, with a window, from which is seen another figure, a lass, also sitting in contemplative thought... in between these rooms is an open doorway, from which is seen a distant bluff, on which is silhouetted a standing figure looking skywards.... somewhat trite, but for the moment gives at least an idea on which to do further 'reflecting'... this one, of course, is a large work, probably 30"x40" or so... sometimes, over the course of these concising of ideas, the end result might come out widely different, but usually the initial impressions are such that the basic ideas are 'seen' strongly enough to remain - this one, indeed, might turn out to have just the spoon and its reflection remaining, the rest folded away for a different theme/titling, thus a much smaller and simpler work - will see........

These will be just thoughts on which to ponder as I proceed to the next rendering, the "Looking West", which is now slated to be 15"x40"....

Part of the reason for mentioning this is the need to better introspect in order to better understand the process of creativity - and no, knowing the process does NOT remove the creativity, for that is a myth, and a most devastating one at that, for ignorance is NOT bliss, even in an attempt to evade knowing something [for to know is to be able to deal with reality, and to not know is to decrease your viability, fatal to a creative person]... in the course of my exploring my creativity, perhaps useful insights can come to the fore - or so it is hoped... it is not by accident a someone, even intuitively, chooses one over the other in composition, or arranges something thus and so instead of another way - and the ability to grasp the how and why makes for better art........

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