Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drawing and Painting in Ink...

When I, out of frustration from having many telling me of my acrylic work, how nice - but it doesn't match my sofa, turned to doing pen and ink because b/w matches anyone's sofa, it was, despite the theming as always had done with my acrylics, truly little other than drawing... "Paper Tiger" is a good example - nice theming and composing, but if were striving to paint it in ink, it would had been much more involved [and indeed, am considering to do another of this, but not only as a painting, but in color as well]... but this illustrates a difference between drawing, however theming it may be, and painting in ink... pen and ink was something I had before this only done in high school, and never had considered it further, so those earlier renderings were in effect refamiliarizings to the medium... along the way, tried my hand doing [as much as I then thought could be done with ink] trompe l'oeil - and "Hob Knob" resulted... in a way it still is a drawing, but in transition to a full painting [there could had been much more done with the wood, for instance], and am still quite pleased with it, and may try my hand again on some other knobs [glass ones?] to see how paintingly they can be done... but a time came when there was need to take this pen and ink more seriously, and "Wish Area" resulted - the first, really, of my ink paintings... not only did I go for the deep shading aspect so well done by Caravaggio, but at this time tried a painting sized rendering, 36"x24" - a monsterous size for pen and ink, to say it mildly... but it was needed if there was to be the sense of being there that such subjects required....

1 comment:

  1. Well done as usual. I look forward to your comments every day. My mini art lesson, so to speak. Thank you, once again, for you time and effort. Loranda
