Friday, July 10, 2009


[from the Visioneer Windows blog]

One of the delights in doing imaginative rendering is, to me at any rate, the almost imperative happening of variations coming to mind... this not only is in regards to the major participants of the original, but at times the theming itself demands other thoughts on the same material - both to such an extent at times that a whole closet full of variations in one respect or another can come from the one singular rendering... then there is an offshoot - which, in its turn, also gives off vibes of variations, and the process can at times be like an avalanche of ideas which may seem like is threatening to drown the artist in an abundance of percolating thoughts that seem to have no end... this is a lot like Camille Saint Saens' remarked of in his saying he 'got ideas like plucking apples off a tree' [disgusting, no doubt, to those others who sweated to little avail at times in coming up with even the simplest of compositions]... but which is why I actually do not know what an 'artist block' is - the notion is simply foreign to me...

This is not to say, tho, that all of these ideas and variations are good, at least as they first present themselves to my consciousness... I have had a number that, in doing the rendering, have found to be of less than desired in how they came out, or discovered they needed more to the developmental aspect in my mind than was willing to engage in... this is where 'crop' has another meaning, as in to cull - and is of equal value in the artist's arsenal, and as often not used to its most effectiveness... but there is a necessity of it, as one only has so much time to place in doing these renderings, thus needs to weed out the lesser ones for the sake of those which more show that manner of importance which is what the showing is all about... and this is sometimes something I overlook, and find myself fretting about - until another idea pops into mind and am off again to pursue the consequences...

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