Monday, January 30, 2017

"Binding Curves" - 2

Been working on revamping my website - - but have also been working on the grass for this one, tedious as it is...  but the tediousness has its reward - the grass is coming along very well..


Sunday, January 22, 2017

"Binding Curves" - WIP

30"x48", canvas, inspired by a photo of uplifted rock...


Monday, January 9, 2017

"Coventry" - 9

sorry it has taken so long to post the finished work - had thought not have enough white ink to fully clear the background before left for my break, only to find that by combining the two old jars, had JUST enough to get it done - after first getting out to the AOE where I got my white ink... so - here is the finished work of "Coventry", 20"x32", colored acrylic inks on acid-free foamboard, from memory of the items...