Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Solstice" - 1

 This is an experimental work - while am using the pens and nibs, am using the acrylic paint from the tube [in this case pthalo blue] and diluted with the water from the pen... the basic reason being that there are many more colors to choose from...
Progress on this is slower than had hoped, as the paint, even diluted, does not lend itself to the swiftness in application that the ink does - but progress there is, so am carrying on with it to see how, when the time comes for glazing, it ends up...

All in all, tho, think will go back to the regular acrylic inks after this, and seek to do with blending what colors are available to make the wanted ones...  what will, however, be added, is what will be doing here - layering clear gloss medium between the layers as means of adding the luminescence once gotten when used just the paints in my artistic endeavors... 

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