Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Re-theming a Work...

For one who constantly uses theming as the point in rendering, it is rare that I find myself involved in re-theming - that is, retitling a work...   after all, if one gave thought to the work in the beginning, the theme in it ought to be there crystal clear...   well, true enough - but there are times when there is more in theming than the first one shown, and another may, in the course of further thought on the rendering, especially while in progress, and seeing it develop into the finished work, show forth as a more apt one for the specific work involved - not that the first chosen was 'off' in any way, but that there was more crystallization done in the recesses of the mind that revealed a truer essence of the rendering...   there is, of course, nothing to apologize on this, and as long as it is gendered before the work is completed, the final title becomes the part of the work [but, of course, too, if it should come to pass a better title was thought of AFTER one had finished, and had the original one in use, then tough - it'll just have to be used on another work, perhaps a variation, or better, a further development of that 'new' theme/title]...


  1. translation -

    Astonishing and maximum support. (* ¯ △ ¯*)..........

  2. I often feel artwork is like creating music. You hear the first few cords of the blues and then the music makes a complete turn and it’s something totally different. Thanks for sharing . . .

  3. translation -

    Very exciting blog looking forward to your continued fuel ......

  4. Sometimes works come so readily to me that I do not seem to take them with the seriousness I ought to in a work, so get 'sloppy' as it were, and while theme/titling goes ok, not always does it go fully right - hence the sometimes revision - in a way, tho is not how I have by habit come to look at it, I ought to see the initial as a 'working title', not the final until all is done with...

  5. translation -

    The best gift in life is to own a part of the ........

  6. translation -

    Good blog and good friends should share - thanks for sharing .....
